DIY: How to Properly Sew on a Patch on Your Backpack

If you’ve ever been to a summer camp, you know that patching is a big deal. All the other kids are doing it, and you’d feel left out if you didn’t have your own patch.

But as adults, we have to earn patches, so sewing a patch onto your backpack is more meaningful. Whether it’s a patch from your favourite band, a souvenir patch from a trip, or a patch that represents a cause or organization you support, the good news is that you can still patch your backpack as an adult!


If you’re like me, you’ve likely been collecting patches for years. They are a great way to commemorate places you’ve been or just to show off your personality. My problem is I have so many patches and not enough things to put them on. It’s a good problem to have, but I recently decided to start putting them on my backpacks.

The only catch is that I didn’t want to ruin my backpacks by sewing the patches on. I wanted a way to add the patches that would make them look like they were meant to be there. I also wanted to make sure they were sewn on securely. I came up with a way to do just that and will show you how!

Importance of personalization and customization

Not only is adding a patch to your backpack a great way to cover up stains, rips, or scratches, but it’s also a fun way to add some personality to your backpack.

Your backpack is something you carry with you every day, so why not make it your own? Adding a patch to your backpack is a great way to show off your personal style.

There are so many different patches to choose from, so you can easily find one that represents you and your interests. Whether you want to show off your love for music, animals, or sports, there’s a patch for you.

If you’re feeling really creative, you can even design and make your own patch. There are tons of tutorials online that show you how to make your own patches at home.

When you add a patch to your backpack, you can be sure that no one else will have the same design as you. It’s a great way to add a unique touch to your backpack and make it stand out.

Introduce the concept of sewing patches on a backpack

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Patches are a great way to add personality to your backpack and a fun way to show off your hobbies or affiliations.

This easy, beginner-friendly project can be done with a few simple supplies.

The first thing to consider is what patch you want to add to your bag. There are two types of patches: adhesive and sew-on.

Adhesive patches are easy to attach and can be done in a few minutes. However, they are not permanent and may need reattached after a few uses.

Sew-on patches are more permanent and are a great option if you want to keep the patch on your bag for a long time.

Materials Needed


• Patch

• Sewing Needle

• Thread

• Scissors

• Pins

• Iron (optional)

• Ironing Board (optional)

List of necessary materials for sewing on a patch

• Sewing needle

• Thread that matches the colour of the patch

• Scissors

• Straight pins

• Seam ripper (optional)

• Iron (optional)

Include items such as needles.

Having all the necessary items is important when you’re ready to get started. This will make the process much easier and faster, and you won’t have to worry about stopping in the middle of the project to find something.

You’ll need the patch you want to sew on, the backpack you want to sew it on, and a needle and thread. If you don’t already have a needle and thread, you can find them at any craft store or a local general store. The thread color should match the color of the patch you’re using.


Hand-sewing a patch onto your backpack is the best way to ensure it stays put. You will need a heavy-duty needle, a spool of thread, and a thimble.

Use a heavy-duty thread that matches the color of the border of your patch. Cut a piece of thread about 18 inches long and thread the needle. Then, tie a knot at the end of the thread.


The first thing you’ll need to do is choose the right patch for your backpack. Patches come in all shapes, colours, and sizes, so you’ll want to pick one that suits your personality.

You can find patches online at outdoor retailers, novelty stores, and music and art festivals. If you feel extra crafty, you can make your own patch!

Once you’ve chosen your patch, it’s time to pick the perfect spot on your backpack to sew it on.


You’ll need a pair of scissors to cut the thread and trim any excess fabric from the patch. You can use any scissors you have at home, but you can use small sewing scissors if you want a more precise cut.


Step 1: Gather your materials.

You will need:

• A backpack

• A patch

• A needle

• Thread

• Scissors

• A fabric pencil

• A ruler (or something with a straight edge)

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Sew on a Patch on a Backpack

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Step 1: Choose a Patch

First, you’ll want to choose a patch that represents you and your style. You can find patches at thrift stores or online, or even make your own! For this project, we chose a classic rainbow patch to add color to our black backpack.

Step 2: Gather Your Supplies

Before you start sewing, you’ll want to gather your supplies. This will save you time and get you organized before you start your project. You’ll need:

• A patch (or patches!)

• A backpack

• A seam ripper

• A pencil

• A ruler

• Scissors

• A needle

• Thread that matches your patch

• A piece of cardboard

• A thimble (optional, but it will save your fingers!)

• Pins (optional)

Step 3: Place Your Patch

Before you sew, you’ll want to decide where you want your patch to go. Place your patch on your backpack and use a pencil to mark the top corners of your patch lightly. This will help you keep your patch centered even when you start sewing.

Step 1: Choosing the perfect spot for the patch

The first step is to figure out where you want the patch to go. This is the fun part! You can sew your patch on the front of your backpack, the side of your backpack, the top, or even the bottom.

We suggest pinning the patch in your chosen spot to see how it looks before you sew it on. If you put it somewhere else, you can easily remove the pin and try again.

Step 2: Preparing the backpack and patch

Before you start sewing, preparing the backpack and the patch properly is important. This will ensure the patch is securely fastened and the backpack material is not damaged.

1. Place the patch where you want it on the backpack. If you’re using a sticky patch, stick it to the backpack to keep it in place while you sew.

2. Use a few pins to secure the patch to the backpack. This will help keep the patch in place while you sew, and you can remove the pins as you go.

Step 3: Securing the patch with pins

Before sewing, ensure the patch is securely placed in your desired position. Use your straight pins to secure the patch to the fabric.

You can use a safety pin if you don’t have a straight pin. This step is important because it will keep the patch from moving while you sew.

Step 4: Basic stitching techniques

Pull the needle and thread through the fabric to start your first stitch. Make sure to leave a small thread tail on the back of the fabric, and hold the tail between your thumb and the fabric as you sew your first few stitches to secure the thread.

Pro tip: Start with a small knot on the end of your thread to keep it from pulling through the fabric as you sew.

To make a basic running stitch, use the needle to go in and out of the fabric, creating evenly-spaced stitches.

Step 5: Sewing the patch onto the backpack

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Now comes the fun part. Sew your patch onto the backpack.

If the patch is an iron-on, you can iron it onto the backpack according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Then you can go ahead and sew the patch to make sure it stays on.

Step 6: Removing the pins and final touches

Once you have sewn the patch onto your backpack, you can remove the pins and thread the needle through the back of the fabric, cutting it off.

Sew a few extra stitches on the corners and around the edges to ensure the patch is secure.

When you are done, tie a knot in the thread and cut it off close to the fabric.

Alternative Methods

If you’ve decided that sewing a patch onto your backpack isn’t the right choice, there are a few other options to consider. One alternative is to use a patch adhesive. This is a great choice if you don’t know how to sew or want a quick fix.

Another option is to use a hot glue gun. This is a great choice if you want a strong bond and don’t mind a little mess.

Exploring other ways to attach patches (iron-on

If you don’t have a sewing machine or don’t want to sew your patch, you can attach it to your backpack using a hot glue gun. This is a quick and easy way to attach patches to your backpack, but it is not the most durable. If you use a hot glue gun to attach your patch, it is likely that the patch will come off after a few uses.

You can also attach patches to your backpack using fabric glue. This is a more durable way to attach patches than a hot glue gun, but it is not as durable as sewing the patch. If you use fabric glue to attach your patch, you can expect it to stay on your backpack for a few months.

fabric glue

Finally, you can attach your patch to your backpack using fabric glue. Fabric glue is a great option if you don’t have a needle and thread on hand and still want to attach your patch to your backpack. To use fabric glue, simply apply a small amount of glue to the back of your patch and press it onto your backpack. Then, let the glue dry completely before using your backpack.


1. Choose your patch.

First and foremost, you’ll need a patch to sew on. This can be a design you love, a logo representing a brand you support, or even a patch from an event you attended.

2. Choose your backpack.

This might seem like a no-brainer, but you’ll want to be sure that the backpack you choose to sew your patch onto is one you won’t be swapping out any time soon. If you want to move your patch from bag to bag, you can always sew it onto a piece of fabric and then sew that piece of fabric onto your bag.

Advantages and disadvantages of each method

As you can see, each method has its pros and cons. Here’s a quick summary:

Sewing: Sewing on a patch is the most secure method and is best for larger patches. It’s also the best method for patches exposed to a lot of wear and tear. Sewn-on patches are the most difficult to remove and can be sewn by hand or machine.

Ironing: Iron-on patches are quick and easy to attach and don’t require any sewing (although you can sew them on for extra security). However, they’re not as durable as sewn-on patches and may not hold up well over time.

Gluing: Gluing on a patch is the easiest and quickest method but also the least durable. Glued-on patches are more likely to come off with wear and tear and may not hold up well in the wash. However, gluing is a good option for patches you don’t want to wear or use often.

Tips and Tricks

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• When sewing on a patch, it’s always a good idea to start with a small knot inside the backpack. This will help keep the thread in place while you’re sewing. You can also use a small amount of fabric glue to secure the patch before you start sewing. If you do this, give the glue time to dry before you start sewing.

• If you’re sewing on a patch with many small details, you may want to use a smaller needle to help you get into those tight spaces. A thimble can also be helpful when sewing through thicker materials like leather.

• If you’re sewing on a patch with an iron-on backing, you can still sew around the edges to give it a more secure hold. Just make sure to use a strong needle to get through the adhesive.

Helpful advice to ensure a successful sewing process

If you’re new to sewing, don’t worry! It’s not as hard as it looks. Here are some tips to help you get started:

• If you’re sewing on a patch that’s not a standard shape, you can use a fabric pencil to trace the shape of the patch onto the backpack. Then you can remove the patch and sew along the line you drew.

• If you’re using a sewing machine, you’ll want to use a heavy-duty needle to ensure it can sew through the backpack material. You can also use a heavy-duty thread to give your patch extra staying power.

• If you’re sewing by hand, you’ll want to use a thimble to protect your fingers and a knot at the end of your thread to keep it from pulling through the fabric.

• If you want to add more than one patch to your backpack, measure and mark where the patches will go before you start sewing.

Common mistakes to avoid

• Using the wrong color thread. This is a common mistake. Be sure to match the color of the thread to the patch.

• Using the wrong needle. Be sure to use a strong needle to go through the patch and the backpack.

• Not securing the thread after you are done. Be sure to tie a knot and secure the thread after you are done sewing on the patch.


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If you’re looking for a way to update your backpack, sewing on a patch is a great way to do it. It’s a quick and easy DIY project that anyone can do, and it’s a great way to add some personality to your bag.

You can also use this method to sew on a patch to other items, like a denim jacket, or to fix a hole in your favorite pair of jeans.

Summarize the steps for sewing on a patch

1. Choose your patch.

2. Position and pin your patch.

3. Sew the patch on.

4. If you want to make your patch extra secure, add a little fabric glue to the back of the patch before you sew it.

Reiterate the benefits of personalizing backpacks with patches

Personalizing backpacks with patches is a fun and simple way to express your personality or interests. It’s a great way to make a backpack stand out in a crowd, and it’s a fun project to do with kids. Whether you’re a kid or a kid at heart, there’s something special about creating a one-of-a-kind backpack design that’s just for you.

If you’re a teacher or a camp counsellor, you can use backpack patches to help kids identify their bags in a sea of look-alikes. And for any organization, custom patches are a great way to build team spirit and camaraderie.

The bottom line is that adding patches to backpacks is a simple, easy way to get creative and show off your unique style.


There you have it! You now know how to sew a patch on your backpack properly. It is a simple process allowing you to show off your personality. Check out our backpacks and patches to make your backpack even more special. We have a wide range of colours and styles to choose from.

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