Can You Put Spray Sunscreen in Checked Luggage


Often overlooked, the question of whether or not one can pack spray sunscreen in their checked luggage is a crucial one to consider before traveling. Many travelers are unsure of the rules and regulations regarding aerosol products, leading to confusion and potential issues at airport security. People may put themselves at risk of having their spray sunscreen confiscated or causing harm to others if they are not properly informed about the guidelines for packing these items. It is essential to be well-informed about the potential hazards and restrictions associated with bringing spray sunscreen in checked luggage.

Key Takeaways:

  • Spray sunscreen is allowed in checked luggage: According to TSA regulations, spray sunscreen in containers of 3.4 ounces or fewer is permitted in checked luggage.
  • Check the airline’s specific rules: It’s important to check the specific rules of the airline you are flying with, as some may have different regulations regarding the transport of spray sunscreen in checked luggage.
  • Consider potential leakage: While spray sunscreen is allowed in checked luggage, it’s important to consider the potential for leakage during flight and take necessary precautions to prevent this.
  • Ensure proper packaging: To avoid any issues with TSA or airline regulations, make sure that the spray sunscreen is properly packaged and meets the required guidelines for liquids in checked luggage.
  • Be prepared for inspection: TSA may choose to inspect your checked luggage, so it’s important to be prepared for this and follow any additional instructions given by airport security.

Spray Sunscreen and Air Travel Regulations

The convenience of spray sunscreen can make it an appealing option for travelers, but when it comes to air travel, there are regulations to consider when packing these items. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has specific guidelines for bringing aerosol products, such as sunscreen, in both carry-on and checked luggage. Additionally, international regulations may vary, so it’s essential for travelers to be aware of the rules before packing their spray sunscreen for a trip.

TSA Guidelines for Aerosols

According to the TSA, aerosol products, including sunscreen and shaving cream, are allowed in checked luggage. However, there are specific rules to follow. Aerosols must be in containers of 18 ounces or less and must be for personal or household use only. It’s important to note that there are restrictions on certain types of aerosols, so travelers should double-check the TSA’s guidelines to ensure they are compliant.

International Regulations and Variances

When traveling internationally, it’s crucial to be aware that regulations regarding aerosol products, including spray sunscreen, may differ from those in the United States. Some countries have stricter limitations on the size and type of aerosols that are permitted, while others may have more lenient rules. This means that travelers should research the specific regulations of their destination to avoid any issues when going through security. It’s also recommended to check with the airline to confirm their policies on carrying aerosol products on board.

Proper Packing of Spray Sunscreen for Checked Luggage

Despite some confusion about whether spray sunscreen can be taken in checked luggage, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) does allow passengers to pack them in their checked bags. However, proper packing and preparation are essential to avoid leaks, contamination, and other issues.

Preparing Sunscreen for Packing

Before packing spray sunscreen in checked luggage, it is important to ensure that the can is not damaged or defective. It is recommended to check the expiration date and the condition of the can before packing it. Additionally, it is a good idea to keep the original packaging to provide extra protection. The passenger should also place the sunscreen in a sealable plastic bag to prevent leakage.

Preventing Leakage and Contamination

When packing sunscreen in checked luggage, the passenger should take precautions to prevent leakage and contamination. The can should be placed in a plastic bag to contain any leaks. It is also important to pack the sunscreen in a way that prevents it from coming into contact with other items in the luggage. This can be done by placing the sunscreen in a separate compartment or wrapping it in clothing to provide a buffer.

Alternatives to Spray Sunscreen for Travelers

Not every traveler wants to deal with the potential hassle of checking in spray sunscreen. Luckily, there are other alternatives available that can provide the same level of sun protection without the worry of liquid restrictions.

Lotion Sunscreens

For travelers who prefer not to pack spray sunscreen, lotion sunscreens are a popular alternative. While they may take a little longer to apply, they offer effective sun protection and are not subject to the same liquid restrictions as spray sunscreens. Additionally, lotion sunscreens are widely available at most pharmacies and convenience stores, making them an easily accessible option for any traveler.

Sun-protective Clothing and Accessories

Another alternative to spray sunscreen is the use of sun-protective clothing and accessories. This includes items such as wide-brimmed hats, sunglasses with UV protection, and UPF-rated clothing. These items offer a convenient way for travelers to protect themselves from the sun without having to rely solely on sunscreen. Additionally, they can be easily packed and are not subject to any liquid restrictions, making them an ideal choice for those looking to avoid the hassle of checking in spray sunscreen.


Conclusively, it is not recommended to pack spray sunscreen in checked luggage. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) advises passengers to pack sunscreen in carry-on bags to ensure that it complies with the rules and regulations for air travel. As aerosol cans are subject to specific restrictions and inspection by TSA officers, placing spray sunscreen in checked luggage may result in confiscation or delay. To avoid any complications, passengers should always check the TSA guidelines and packing instructions before traveling with personal care products like sunscreen.


Q: Can I put spray sunscreen in checked luggage?

A: Yes, you can put spray sunscreen in checked luggage. However, it is important to ensure that the sunscreen is packed properly to prevent any leakage during the flight. It is recommended to place the sunscreen in a sealed plastic bag and pack it securely to avoid any damage to other items in your luggage.

Q: Are there any restrictions on the size of spray sunscreen that can be packed in checked luggage?

A: The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has restrictions on the size of liquids that can be brought in carry-on luggage, but there are no specific restrictions on the size of spray sunscreen that can be packed in checked luggage. However, it is always a good idea to check with your airline for any specific regulations regarding sunscreen and other personal care products in checked baggage.

Q: Can I bring aerosol sunscreen in checked luggage?

A: Yes, aerosol sunscreen can be packed in checked luggage. It is important to make sure that the aerosol can is securely packed to prevent accidental discharge during transport. Placing the aerosol sunscreen in a sealed plastic bag and ensuring it is properly cushioned within your luggage is the best way to prevent any issues.

Q: Are there any considerations for traveling to different climates with spray sunscreen in checked luggage?

A: When traveling to different climates with spray sunscreen in checked luggage, it is important to consider the temperature and altitude changes during the flight. Extreme temperatures and pressure changes can sometimes cause aerosol cans to leak or burst. To mitigate any potential issues, it is advisable to pack the sunscreen in a well-insulated part of your luggage, and to store it in a way that minimizes exposure to temperature changes.

Q: Is it better to pack spray sunscreen in checked luggage or carry-on luggage?

A: Both checked and carry-on luggage are acceptable options for packing spray sunscreen. Ultimately, the decision may come down to personal preference and convenience. However, it is important to make sure that the spray sunscreen is properly packed and secured to avoid leakage or damage, no matter which type of luggage you choose to pack it in.

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